Domestic Violence is a term used to describe any form of violence or abuse between people in a domestic relationship where the person who is violent towards you is usually a spouse (including de facto), an intimate or dating partner or even a family member or informal carer.
Domestic Violence is more than just physical abuse.
Domestic Violence also involves:
emotional, psychological, sexual, social and financial abuse and control by an intimate partner.
Domestic Violence can create Stress, Anxiety and Fear in a Relationship. Feeling Safe and Secure and Valued as a Person is Extremely Important in a Relationship. Seek Help Now if you are in an Abusive Relationship – Phone Me – Elaine Walker on 9300 6026
Women at Risk of Abuse
Generally it is considered women are most at risk from violence out on the streets away from the safety of home, but this is not actually the case.
Women are more likely to be attacked in their own houses by people they live with. Domestic Violence affects Women of all ages and all nationalities and is a type of abuse that takes many different forms.
Besides physical violence abuse can include:
– threats,
– insults or
– sexual assault
– interfering with someone’s personal freedom by keeping them away from their family or friends,
– or withholding money to which they are entitled.
These types of abuse have one thing in common – they are ways in which someone (usually a man) uses tocontrol his partner and sometimes other members of the family.
Freedom from Fear Campaign
As far back as 1998, the State Government launched a ‘Freedom from Fear’ Campaign to address the issues of family and domestic violence in an attempt to change the attitudes and behaviours of men. Initially the emphasis was on physical violence and later included sexual and emotional abuse.
Such gender bias by focusing on educating men was the result of research that indicated that in 91.4% of cases, victims were females with only 8.6% of victims being male. This equates to 1 in 5 attacks against females and one in 50 attacks against males. Children Can Be Affected By Domestic Violence – Seek Help Now.